February is a month of all seasons, bitterly cold one minute to over 20°C+ in the polycarbonate tunnel when a spell of sunshine breaks through. The inconsistent nature of Februarys weather can leave us itching to get going for the season ahead but unsure or afraid to start sowing for fear of an all too real potential for a hard frost, scuppering all your good early work if not properly protected with fleece or cover.
If you cant contain the urge to start planting now then it's never a bad idea to split your seeds between inside the home in south facing windows and out in your greenhouse bed, always cover your seed beds at this time of year during the coldest of weather, so if worst comes to worst and frost takes your young seeds you wont lose your entire crop. Early season potatoes such as Homeguards and Premiers can be planted throughout February in the greenhouse but again its important to protect them from frost.
For the more patient amongst us who would rather wait till next month to get fully immersed in the greenhouse there is still work that can be done in the greenhouse if you haven't already. Finish any jobs left over from your January to do list, water your beds no more than once per week and continue to ventilate your polycarbonate greenhouse as much as possible.
It can be a good time to wash your polycarbonate cover if it needs doing, algae build-up will reduce light penetration and the greenhouse for most of us is a happy place. Your happy place should be clean and clutter free for best effect. Wash simply with soap and water with a non abrasive cloth, polycarbonate is incredibly strong but the surface can be scratched easily if not properly handled.
As mentioned in our January blog its an important time of year to pre plan for the season ahead, if you haven't already then do this now, an organised greenhouse is a healthy and pleasant environment, proper planning will reduce your workload in the months ahead.
Last but not least, admire all your hard work, think of the season ahead with excited anticipation and go check on those seeds in your south facing window ;)
Happy Growing!
Keane Gardens